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Hologram sticker printing

发布者:xinyuan 发布时间:2011-12-21 阅读1476
Hologram sticker printing
Guangzhou xinyuan printing Co.ltd is a famous hologram and color printing label manufacturer.
We are qualified in ISO9001:2000 and ISO14001:2400.
Authorized security printing manufacturer of Peoples Republic of China.
In addition,We have different kinds of machines to procide sequential numbers in different labers and products.
Let us start caring for your brand protection now!

下一篇:Hologram Label
广州薪源印刷有限公司专注于广州镭射商标/激光防伪标签/电码防伪商标印刷的生产,主营防伪产品:数码点阵镭射商标--电码防伪标签--各种打码标签--镭射烫印标--综合防伪标签--法国进口酒标纸标签--核径迹防伪--刮奖标、刮奖卡--卷装标签,电话:020-87546698!    tag:镭射商标、激光防伪标签、电码防伪商标、防伪标签印刷公司